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Trump Jr.’s False Noncitizen Voting Tweet

Trump Jr.’s False Noncitizen Voting Tweet

Amid a contentious Florida recount, Donald Trump Jr. tweeted a six-year-old, and outdated, story to suggest hundreds of thousands of noncitizens could have voted in the state. The story includes an update saying just 85 noncitizens were ultimately removed from the state’s voter rolls in 2012.

Video: Trump on His Tax Returns

Video: Trump on His Tax Returns

CNN’s Jake Tapper examines President Donald Trump’s claims about his tax returns in this week’s fact-checking video.

Bogus Voter Fraud Claims

Bogus Voter Fraud Claims

With votes continuing to be counted in very close elections in Florida, Georgia and Arizona, President Donald Trump and some other Republicans have been crying foul, making false and misleading claims of supposed election fraud perpetrated by Democrats in an attempt to “steal” the elections.

Misleading Meme Pits Acosta Against ‘Neo Nazi’

Misleading Meme Pits Acosta Against ‘Neo Nazi’

Q: Did a “neo Nazi” leader get a meeting at the White House while CNN’s Jim Acosta was banned?

A: No. Patrick Casey, head of Identity Evropa, went on a publicly available tour of the White House and posted pictures of it on Twitter.

The President’s Tax Returns

The President’s Tax Returns

After Democrats gained control of the House in the midterm elections, President Donald Trump repeated his long-running statement that he wouldn’t release his tax returns because they were under audit, making false claims in the process.

Ford Did Not Recant Accusations Against Kavanaugh

Ford Did Not Recant Accusations Against Kavanaugh

Q: Did Christine Blasey Ford recant her accusations of sexual assault against Brett Kavanaugh?

A: No. Comments by President Trump may have left that impression. But he was referring to a little-known case that had nothing to do with Ford.

Video: Trump’s ‘Form of Telling the Truth’

Video: Trump’s ‘Form of Telling the Truth’

In this week’s fact-checking video, CNN’s Jake Tapper looks at President Donald Trump’s claim that social media is “my form of telling the truth.” As Tapper points out, “social media is where President Trump tells some of his biggest whoppers.”

FactChecking Trump’s Twitter ‘Truth’

FactChecking Trump’s Twitter ‘Truth’

President Donald Trump says social media is “my form of telling the truth.” In fact, there are many well-documented examples of Trump — as a candidate and as president — spreading false information on Twitter.

Trump’s Call to ‘Bring Back the Death Penalty’

Trump’s Call to ‘Bring Back the Death Penalty’

At a campaign rally hours after the mass murder in Pittsburgh, President Donald Trump told his supporters “we have to bring back the death penalty.” The federal government and 31 states already have the death penalty. But there hasn’t been a federal execution in 15 years, and state executions have sharply declined in recent years.