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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

Can Trump End Birthright Citizenship by Executive Order?

Can Trump End Birthright Citizenship by Executive Order?

President Donald Trump has long been a critic of birthright citizenship, and now he says he can and will end it via executive order. But can he? Most constitutional scholars say he can’t. Or if he does, that his order will be overturned by the courts.

Video: FactChecking Trump’s Wisconsin Rally

Video: FactChecking Trump’s Wisconsin Rally

In this week’s fact-check video, CNN’s Jake Tapper looks at seven false or misleading claims President Donald Trump made at a recent campaign rally in Wisconsin.

Trump Stump Speeches: Health Care

Trump Stump Speeches: Health Care

President Donald Trump has made health care — in particular a “Medicare for All” plan proposed by Sen. Bernie Sanders — a main theme in his campaign rallies across the country.

Trump Stump Speeches: Economy

Trump Stump Speeches: Economy

President Donald Trump is proud of his economic record, and he points to some key economic indicators with great delight. But he doesn’t always stick to the facts out on the campaign trail when he talks to his supporters.

Trump Stump Speeches: Immigration

Trump Stump Speeches: Immigration

Here we look at some of the false, misleading and unsupported claims the president has made about immigration in seven speeches over 12 days, from Erie, Pennsylvania, to Missoula, Montana.

Trump’s ‘Greatest Idea’ for a 2014 Law

Trump’s ‘Greatest Idea’ for a 2014 Law

In his midterm campaign rallies, President Donald Trump has repeatedly made the preposterous claim that he came up with “the greatest idea” for “veterans choice” — a program that was launched in 2014 during the Obama administration. He also claimed it took “44 years” to get the legislation passed.

Video: Trump Campaigning in Kentucky

Video: Trump Campaigning in Kentucky

CNN’s “State of the Union” and FactCheck.org this week review three claims that President Donald Trump made at a campaign rally in Kentucky.

Trump Wrong on Climate Change, Again

Trump Wrong on Climate Change, Again

In two recent interviews, President Donald Trump said he is not convinced that climate change is due to human activity, and he suggested that any changes will reverse themselves — two ideas that lack scientific backing.