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Trump’s Phony ‘Fake News’ Claims

Trump’s Phony ‘Fake News’ Claims

President Donald Trump often dismisses news stories or media outlets that he doesn’t like as “fake news.” But there are times, too, when he has labeled accurate reporting as “fake news” or spread false information himself, while at the same time accusing the media of being “fake” or “dishonest.”

Video: Trump’s Claim on Diversity Visas

Video: Trump’s Claim on Diversity Visas

In this week’s fact-checking video, CNN’s Jake Tapper reviews President Donald Trump’s bogus claim that other countries are abusing a U.S. immigration program to send the “the worst of the worst.”

The DACA Population Numbers

The DACA Population Numbers

President Donald Trump said he has “heard” varying numbers on the DACA population — from 650,000 to 3 million. In fact, the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services said there were 689,800 active DACA recipients as of Sept. 4, 2017.

Video: Trump’s Airline Safety Claim

Video: Trump’s Airline Safety Claim

In this week’s fact-checking video, CNN’s Jake Tapper examines President Donald Trump’s suggestion that his “very strict” policies on commercial aviation were responsible for “the best and safest year on record.”

Trump’s Aviation Boast

Trump’s Aviation Boast

President Donald Trump suggested his “very strict” aviation policies were linked to zero commercial passenger jet deaths in 2017 worldwide. In fact, in the United States, there have been no deaths from U.S. commercial airline accidents since 2009 and none from foreign air carriers in the U.S. since 2013.

Trump Inflates Tax Benefits

Trump Inflates Tax Benefits

President Donald Trump misleadingly inflated the benefits of the tax overhaul when he claimed it provides “$3.2 trillion … in tax cuts for American families.” It actually totals about $1.5 trillion in tax cuts for all taxpayers, including corporations.

A Guide to the Tax Changes

A Guide to the Tax Changes

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act is now law. Here we compare some of the major provisions of the new law with previous tax code.

Trump’s Baseless Immigration Claim

Trump’s Baseless Immigration Claim

Arguing for a merit-based immigration system, President Donald Trump offered a muddled, inaccurate and unsubstantiated critique of a program that annually provides visas by lottery to qualified and screened applicants from countries with low immigration rates.

Kevin Bacon Isn’t a Trump Supporter

Kevin Bacon Isn’t a Trump Supporter

Q: Did Kevin Bacon say that “we are blessed to have Donald Trump as our president”? 

A: No. Several quotes supporting Trump have been falsely attributed to the actor.

Video: Claims about the GOP Tax Plan

Video: Claims about the GOP Tax Plan

In this video, we highlight six common — and inaccurate — claims from Republicans and Democrats about the GOP tax plans.