Both parties are panned for their attack-ad tactics. A preview of October?
Person: Francine Busby
Test-marketing the “Amnesty” Issue
Republican Brian Bilbray accuses Democrat Francine Busby of supporting “amnesty” for illegal aliens. What does that mean?
More California Fact-Twisting
Republicans aimed more distorted attacks at Democrat Francine Busby in the June 6 special House election to fill the seat vacated by convicted GOP congressman Randy “Duke” Cunningham, who resigned after pleading guilty to accepting bribes.
A National Republican Congressional Committee ad misleads viewers by saying Busby “could bring back the death tax,” when in fact she has publicly supported permanent repeal of the federal estate tax for years, a fact known to Republican opposition researchers.
Another Misleading Republican Attack In California
An NRCC ad says Democrat Francine Busby “praised a teacher reported to have child porn,” but fails to mention she voted to fire him.
Scandal and Corruption in California
A special House election features distortions on both sides.