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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

Clinton’s Shaky Cost-Shifting Claim

Clinton’s Shaky Cost-Shifting Claim

Hillary Clinton claimed that private insurance premiums have “gone up so much” in some states that didn’t expand Medicaid because hospitals shifted their costs for providing emergency care for the uninsured. But we have found no data to support that claim, and the idea that such cost shifting occurs is debated.

Video: Whoppers of the Year

Video: Whoppers of the Year

This week, CNN’s Jake Tapper picks a whopper of the year from the top Democratic and Republican candidates for president to discuss in his weekly fact-checking video.

Clinton and Fossil Fuel Money

Clinton and Fossil Fuel Money

Hillary Clinton and a man from an environmental group sparred about whether she had taken money from the fossil fuel industry. Campaigns are prohibited from taking money directly from corporations, but Clinton has received donations from employees of oil and gas companies.

Sanders’ Support for Syrian Refugees

Sanders’ Support for Syrian Refugees

Businessman Donald Trump claimed that Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders said he wants to bring 65,000 Syrian refugees to the United States. Trump is wrong. Sanders didn’t say that.

Hillary Clinton on Gun Deaths

Hillary Clinton on Gun Deaths

Q: Have 3,000 people been killed by guns in the U.S. in one month, from Oct. 13 to Nov. 14, 2015?
A: Comprehensive data aren’t available yet. The figures cited by Hillary Clinton during a Democratic debate are an extrapolation based on past years.

Clinton on White Middle-Aged Americans

Clinton on White Middle-Aged Americans

The latest video in our fact-checking collaboration with CNN’s Jake Tapper is on Hillary Clinton’s claim that a recent study showed “white middle-aged Americans without a high school education … are dying earlier than their parents and their grandparents.”

Clinton’s Charter School Exaggeration

Clinton’s Charter School Exaggeration

Hillary Clinton says “most charter schools … don’t take the hardest-to-teach kids. Or if they do, they don’t keep them.” But her campaign could not provide evidence for such a sweeping claim.