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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

Biden’s Misleading Boast on Medicare Premium Drop

Biden’s Misleading Boast on Medicare Premium Drop

President Joe Biden boasted of a decrease in premiums for Medicare Part B as the “first” reduction “in more than a decade.” That’s true. But he neglected to mention the drop follows a large increase the prior year, partly due to anticipated Alzheimer’s drug expenses, which didn’t actually materialize.

Posts Take Biden’s Vaccination and Hurricane Prep Comments Out of Context, Again

Posts Take Biden’s Vaccination and Hurricane Prep Comments Out of Context, Again

Last year, President Joe Biden made a special plea to residents in hurricane-prone states to get vaccinated against COVID-19 in advance of possible evacuations or shelter stays. Now, as Hurricane Ian approached Florida, social media posts recycled an old clip of his comments to misleadingly claim he thinks the vaccines will protect against the storm.

Biden’s Misleading Claims About the Economic Recovery and Unemployment

Biden’s Misleading Claims About the Economic Recovery and Unemployment

When President Biden signed the American Rescue Plan into law in March 2021, U.S. gross domestic product had increased for three quarters straight, and the unemployment rate had decreased nearly nine percentage points from its pandemic peak. But Biden wrongly credited the Democratic COVID-19 relief bill with rescuing a U.S. economy “in decline.”

Is the Pandemic ‘Over’? Biden Says So, But Scientists Say That’s Up for Debate

Is the Pandemic ‘Over’? Biden Says So, But Scientists Say That’s Up for Debate

In a surprise moment in a “60 Minutes” interview, President Joe Biden said the COVID-19 pandemic “is over.” While he correctly acknowledged that the coronavirus was still a problem, epidemiologists say there’s no single agreed-upon definition for what constitutes the end of a pandemic — and some say we’re not there yet.

Florida GOP Attacks Crist with Misleading Claims About the IRS and Police

Florida GOP Attacks Crist with Misleading Claims About the IRS and Police

President Biden and Democrat Charlie Crist have said that they don’t support calls to defund the police. And a law that both men supported provides funding for the IRS to potentially hire tens of thousands of new employees — mostly in customer service, not tax auditing, bureau officials have said. But a Florida GOP ad makes distorted claims about both issues.

Biden’s Campaign-Style Distortions

Biden’s Campaign-Style Distortions

As the midterm elections draw near, President Joe Biden has delivered campaign-style speeches that misstated statistics on the COVID-19 pandemic, may leave the wrong impression that police officers were killed during the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol, and overstated the impact of the Affordable Care Act.

Q&A on Biden’s Student Loan Forgiveness

Q&A on Biden’s Student Loan Forgiveness

The White House announced on Aug. 24 that President Joe Biden will take action this year to cancel thousands of dollars in federal student loan debt for millions of Americans, fulfilling a campaign promise he made during the 2020 election cycle. We answer some of the questions readers may have about the debt relief plan, and address political claims about the impact of the plan.

Crude Oil Prices Down Due to Recession Fears, Contributing to Lower Gasoline Prices

Crude Oil Prices Down Due to Recession Fears, Contributing to Lower Gasoline Prices

President Joe Biden and members of his administration have touted the falling gasoline prices, suggesting that the decrease was because of the president’s policies. But U.S. presidents have little control over the price that consumers pay for gasoline. We look at the reasons for the decline in gasoline prices.