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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

FactChecking Biden’s Vaccination Goal

FactChecking Biden’s Vaccination Goal

President Biden this week boasted on Twitter about his promise to administer 100 million vaccine doses in his first 100 days in office, “With the progress we’re making I believe we’ll not only reach that, we’ll break it.” But as some critics have noted, it was a pretty low bar to begin with.

Posts Mislead on Biden’s Response to Texas Emergency

Posts Mislead on Biden’s Response to Texas Emergency

President Joe Biden approved an emergency declaration for Texas after a winter storm began wreaking havoc, and held a call with its governor as the state experienced power outages. But Facebook posts misleadingly claim there has not been “one word” on the emergency from Biden.

Biden’s Underwhelming School Reopening Goal

Biden’s Underwhelming School Reopening Goal

Two studies show a school reopening goal detailed by the Biden administration for his first 100 days may have already been met before President Joe Biden took office.

OAN Report Features Baseless Assertion of Election Fraud by Algorithm

OAN Report Features Baseless Assertion of Election Fraud by Algorithm

One America News Network recently spotlighted one man’s analysis that wrongly suggests precinct-level voting data in Georgia proved a computer algorithm was used to swing the election to President Joe Biden. A hand tally of paper ballots confirmed the election outcome, one of many indications the claim is false.

Biden’s Minimum Wage Exaggeration

Biden’s Minimum Wage Exaggeration

President Biden overstated the impact of raising the federal minimum wage to $15, claiming that “if you’re making less than $15 an hour,” and working 40 hours a week, “you’re living below the poverty wage.”

MyPillow CEO’s Video Rehashes Debunked Election Fraud Claims

MyPillow CEO’s Video Rehashes Debunked Election Fraud Claims

A two-hour video, claiming to prove that the 2020 presidential election was “stolen” from former President Donald Trump, has been viewed tens of thousands of times online and aired on the cable channel One America News Network. But the video rehashes baseless conspiracy theories and debunked claims.