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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

Trump and the ‘New Hoax’

Trump and the ‘New Hoax’

President Donald Trump accused the Democrats of “politicizing” the new coronavirus, calling it “their new hoax.” Even after Trump explained his remarks, some Democrats — including Mike Bloomberg — continued to wrongly accuse Trump of describing the coronavirus as a “hoax.”

FactChecking Biden’s CNN Town Hall

FactChecking Biden’s CNN Town Hall

Former Vice President Joe Biden made a series of false and misleading statements on guns and crime during a CNN town hall in Charleston, South Carolina on Feb. 26.

A Misleading Anti-Biden Ad from Trump Backers

A Misleading Anti-Biden Ad from Trump Backers

A misleading television ad from the Committee to Defend the President falsely suggests that former President Barack Obama is criticizing his former vice president, Joe Biden, for his racial attitudes.

Biden’s Factual Distortions

Biden’s Factual Distortions

Former Vice President Joe Biden distorted the facts in two interviews in the wake of the Nevada caucuses, claiming Sen. Bernie Sanders “was opposed to Obamacare” (Sanders voted for it) and that Biden never labeled South Carolina as his campaign’s “firewall” (he did).

Family Separation Spin in Nevada

Family Separation Spin in Nevada

A misleading Spanish-language TV ad from a group backing President Trump claims that then-President Barack Obama and then-Vice President Joe Biden “separated families and put children in cages” while it shows images of minors who were temporarily detained after crossing the southern border on their own — without a parent or guardian.