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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

Trump Has Condemned White Supremacists

Trump Has Condemned White Supremacists

Former Vice President Joe Biden wrongly claimed President Donald Trump has “yet once to condemn white supremacy, the neo-Nazis.” Trump has specifically condemned white supremacists and neo-Nazis on a few occasions.

Biden Miscasts Hot Mic Moment About Trump

Biden Miscasts Hot Mic Moment About Trump

Joe Biden falsely claimed that a hot mic at a NATO reception caught “leaders of the free world” privately saying “they didn’t think [President Donald Trump] knew anything, they didn’t trust him et cetera.” Biden has turned Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s mild ribbing about Trump holding long, unscheduled press interviews into something far worse.

Biden vs. Sanders on Social Security and Medicare

Biden vs. Sanders on Social Security and Medicare

Sen. Bernie Sanders says former Vice President Joe Biden has a long history of supporting cuts to Social Security. Biden says the opposite is true. We sort through some of the competing claims.

FactChecking the January Democratic Debate

FactChecking the January Democratic Debate

In the final Democratic debate before the Iowa caucuses, there were fewer candidates — only six — but more than a few false, misleading and exaggerated claims.

Biden’s Position on Osama bin Laden Raid

Biden’s Position on Osama bin Laden Raid

Former Vice President Joe Biden denied that he told then-President Barack Obama “not to go after [Osama] bin Laden” in what turned out to be a successful mission to kill the 9/11 mastermind. But Biden wasn’t giving the whole story, and has over time given contradictory accounts.

Social Media Video Strips Context From Biden Remark

Social Media Video Strips Context From Biden Remark

A viral video clip takes former Vice President Joe Biden’s recent remarks about sexual and domestic violence out of context, leaving a false impression that he made a racist comment about the role of African and Asian nations in U.S. culture.

The Whoppers of 2019

The Whoppers of 2019

Our compilation of the most egregious falsehoods of the year.