In another feisty affair, the Democrats traded barbs over contested quotes, crime and Castro. We referee some of the rhetoric.
Person: Joe Biden
Biden’s Factual Distortions
Family Separation Spin in Nevada
A misleading Spanish-language TV ad from a group backing President Trump claims that then-President Barack Obama and then-Vice President Joe Biden “separated families and put children in cages” while it shows images of minors who were temporarily detained after crossing the southern border on their own — without a parent or guardian.
Video: The Ninth Democratic Debate
FactChecking the Las Vegas Democratic Debate
Unite The Country
A new, single-candidate super PAC that supports former Vice President Joe Biden.
Competing Claims on Trump’s Budget and Seniors
In what has become an annual Washington exercise, Democrats and Republicans are waging a war of words over the president’s proposed budget and how it would affect programs for seniors. President Donald Trump tweeted that he “will not be touching your Social Security or Medicare” in the budget, while Democrats have charged it does exactly that.
Trump Has Condemned White Supremacists
FactChecking the New Hampshire Democratic Debate
Biden Miscasts Hot Mic Moment About Trump
Joe Biden falsely claimed that a hot mic at a NATO reception caught “leaders of the free world” privately saying “they didn’t think [President Donald Trump] knew anything, they didn’t trust him et cetera.” Biden has turned Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s mild ribbing about Trump holding long, unscheduled press interviews into something far worse.