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Biden’s Stretch on Intellectual Property Theft

Biden’s Stretch on Intellectual Property Theft

Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden says the Trump administration has not been fighting China on “stealing intellectual secrets,” claiming that instead it has been “fighting in trade.” But intellectual property issues have been part of ongoing trade negotiations with China.

Falsehood Swirls About Biden, SEALs

Falsehood Swirls About Biden, SEALs

Viral posts on Facebook claim, falsely, that former Vice President Joe Biden “leaked the names of SEAL Team 6 family’s to Al Qaeda.” Biden publicly credited the SEALs with killing Osama Bin Laden, but did not disclose the team or team members responsible.

Trump’s Dubious Claims About China

Trump’s Dubious Claims About China

In remarks to the press in Iowa and before departing for Iowa, President Donald Trump talked about ongoing trade negotiations with China, and the possibility of enacting further tariffs. But Trump distorted the facts on several points.

Biden Stretches Industry Support for Fuel Standards

Biden Stretches Industry Support for Fuel Standards

Joe Biden distorted the facts when he asserted that the auto industry thought the Obama administration’s fuel standards were “a good idea” and that automakers “didn’t even agree” with President Donald Trump’s proposal to roll them back.

Doctored Photo Adds Biden Smooch

Doctored Photo Adds Biden Smooch

A photo of a woman protesting Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court has been manipulated to make it look like former Vice President Joe Biden was there and kissed her.

Video: Biden’s False Claim on Tax Cuts

Video: Biden’s False Claim on Tax Cuts

In this week’s fact-checking video, CNN’s Jake Tapper examines a false claim by former Vice President Joe Biden that “all of” the tax cuts signed into law by President Donald Trump “went to folks at the top and corporations that pay no taxes.” 

Biden’s Campaign Kickoff Claims

Biden’s Campaign Kickoff Claims

Former Vice President Joe Biden kicked off his third campaign for president with a speech in Pittsburgh that contained a few false and misleading statements.