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Trump vs. Clinton

Trump vs. Clinton

Donald Trump said he can beat Hillary Clinton in November, citing “so many” polls that show “we beat her and we beat her easily.” In fact, only four of 40 polls listed on Real Clear Politics show Trump beating Clinton — none easily.

Rubio, Cruz on Reagan and Hostages

Rubio, Cruz on Reagan and Hostages

Sens. Rubio and Cruz have implied that Iran released U.S. hostages in 1981 on the day Ronald Reagan was inaugurated because Reagan ushered in a new foreign policy. But several experts on the crisis told us the timing was a final insult to President Jimmy Carter, whom the hostage-takers despised.

Trump Overstates Cruz Challenges

Trump Overstates Cruz Challenges

Donald Trump claims Illinois is “very seriously” looking at Sen. Ted Cruz’s eligibility to run for president and “may not even let him run.” That’s misleading.

Cruz on Birthright Citizenship

Cruz on Birthright Citizenship

Marco Rubio, Mike Huckabee and Donald Trump have all wrongly attacked rival Ted Cruz for flip-flopping on birthright citizenship since his run for Senate in 2011. Cruz has consistently opposed the policy.

Video: Obama’s Gun Proposal

Video: Obama’s Gun Proposal

This video from FlackCheck.org examines some of the conflicting statements politicians have made about guns since President Obama announced his plans for tighter gun controls.

Obama’s Executive Actions on Guns

Obama’s Executive Actions on Guns

Claims about President Obama’s executive actions on background checks are the subject of this week’s fact-checking collaboration with CNN’s Jake Tapper.

Sorting Out Obama’s Gun Proposal

Sorting Out Obama’s Gun Proposal

Politicians have offered confusing and conflicting information on guns in the wake of the San Bernardino shootings and President Obama’s announced plans for tighter gun controls.

Did Cruz Support Legalization?

Did Cruz Support Legalization?

In one of the more memorable exchanges of the Republican debate, Sen. Marco Rubio said he was “puzzled” by Sen. Ted Cruz’s attacks on his immigration position, because Cruz himself “supports[s] legalizing people who are in this country illegally.”