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Americans on Terrorist Watch Lists

Americans on Terrorist Watch Lists

This week’s fact-checking video by CNN’s Jake Tapper reviews Sen. Marco Rubio’s claim about the U.S. government’s terrorist watch lists.

Cruz Attacks Rubio on Refugees

Cruz Attacks Rubio on Refugees

Sen. Ted Cruz falsely claims the 2013 immigration bill Sen. Marco Rubio co-sponsored “would have dramatically expanded President Obama’s authority to admit Syrian refugees with no background checks whatsoever,” making it “easier to bring Syrian Muslim refugees” to the U.S.

Democratic Deportation Misinformation

Democratic Deportation Misinformation

A Democratic super PAC claims that Republican candidates for president are “all on the same page” with Donald Trump. But the ad invites a false conclusion that both Marco Rubio and Trump favor deporting millions of immigrants who are in the U.S. illegally.

Ted Kennedy and the No-Fly List Myth

Ted Kennedy and the No-Fly List Myth

Several Republican presidential candidates cite Ted Kennedy as a reason why they oppose President Obama’s proposal to block the sale of guns to known or suspected terrorists on the no-fly list. But the TSA says it’s a “myth” that Kennedy was on the no-fly list.

Rubio Wrong on Terrorist List

Rubio Wrong on Terrorist List

Sen. Marco Rubio vastly overstated the number of Americans on government terrorist watch lists. He said there are “700,000 Americans on some watch list,” but the number is actually in the tens of thousands.

Bush on Senate Opponents’ Records

Bush on Senate Opponents’ Records

Jeb Bush derided the legislative accomplishments of GOP primary rivals, Sens. Ted Cruz, Rand Paul and Marco Rubio, saying they “have a combined two bills that became law that they’ve sponsored.” True, but he ignores the way things work in the Senate.

A GOP Talking Point Turned False

A GOP Talking Point Turned False

Several Republicans have claimed that business deaths outnumber business births in the U.S. That was accurate for individual firms for 2009 to 2011, but no longer.

Senators Missing Votes

Senators Missing Votes

Q: Did Barack Obama and John Kerry miss 60 percent to 70 percent of their Senate votes while running for president, as Marco Rubio claimed?
A: Yes. Obama missed more than 64 percent of votes in 2008, and Kerry missed even more — nearly 90 percent — in 2004.