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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

FactChecking the CNBC Debates

FactChecking the CNBC Debates

Republicans make false and misleading claims on jobs, taxes and entitlements in economic-focused debates.

FactChecking Trump’s Press Conference

FactChecking Trump’s Press Conference

Donald Trump’s recent press conference garnered a lot of media attention for his put downs of two high-profile journalists, but he didn’t treat the facts much better.

Rubio’s Shaky ACA Hypothetical

Rubio’s Shaky ACA Hypothetical

Sen. Marco Rubio described a hypothetical Detroit business owner with 10 employees as facing higher costs under the Affordable Care Act, saying the man was considering moving one employee to part time to “save … a significant amount under Obamacare.”

First GOP Presidential Primary Debate

FactCheck.org Director Eugene Kiely discussed the first Republican presidential primary debate in an Aug. 7 interview with WCBS radio host Wayne Cabot.

FactChecking Marco Rubio

FactChecking Marco Rubio

Florida Sen. Marco Rubio has joined what promises to be a crowded field of Republican candidates for president. Rubio informed his top donors of his decision on April 13.

FactChecking CPAC

FactChecking CPAC

A parade of potential Republican presidential candidates took turns at delivering speeches and answering questions at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference that started on Feb. 26. Along the way there were some distortions of facts.

What Was Alan Gross Doing in Cuba?

What Was Alan Gross Doing in Cuba?

In accounts from both sides of the aisle, recently-freed Alan Gross has been portrayed as a humanitarian simply trying to bring Internet access to Cuba’s small Jewish community. But there’s more to the story than that shorthand suggests.