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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

McConnell Misquotes EPA Administrator

McConnell Misquotes EPA Administrator

Senate Minority Leader Mitchell McConnell misquoted EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy when he claimed in a floor speech that she conceded the administration’s new climate change plan is “a war on coal.”

Correcting Kentucky Claim on Coal

Correcting Kentucky Claim on Coal

An outside group attacking Kentucky Senate candidate Alison Lundergan Grimes is off base with its claim that she has been “silent” as “Obama attacked coal.”

McConnell’s Bloated Tax Boast

McConnell’s Bloated Tax Boast

A new ad from Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell grossly oversells the percentage of Kentuckians that McConnell “saved” from income tax hikes last year.

‘Lost Jobs’ from Obamacare

‘Lost Jobs’ from Obamacare

Republicans have distorted a Congressional Budget Office report, wrongly claiming that it said the Affordable Care Act would cause more than 2 million people to “lose their jobs.”

Senate Majority PAC

A Democratic super PAC created to “protect and expand the Democratic majority in the U.S. Senate.”