As we reported in January, President Donald Trump inherited a resilient economy experiencing continued growth in jobs, including an increase in full-time workers. But Republican Sen. Rick Scott recently painted a much different picture, calling the pre-Trump economy “crappy” and falsely claiming that full-time employment was “dropping almost the entire Biden administration.”
Person: Rick Scott
Republican Rhetoric on Harris’ Position on Israel Goes Too Far
Respiratory Illnesses in Children in China Not So ‘Mysterious’
Five Republican senators have penned a letter to President Joe Biden urging him to ban travel to the U.S. from China because of a surge in “mystery” respiratory illnesses among children. But the letter selectively cites outdated information from the World Health Organization, and experts say the illnesses are likely due to known viruses and bacteria and aren’t unexpected.
The Facts on Sen. Scott’s Claim That Biden Is a ‘Tax Cheat’
What Vice President Harris Said — And Didn’t Say — About Hurricane Relief
Scott Overstates Tax Increases in Inflation Reduction Act
The Inflation Reduction Act proposes to raise over $700 billion in new revenues over 10 years to be spent on energy, climate change initiatives, health care and deficit reduction. But not all of those revenues come via higher taxes. More than half comes from health care savings and from beefed up IRS tax enforcement.
Democrats Misleadingly Claim ‘Republicans’ Plan’ Would ‘End’ Social Security, Medicare
As part of his plan to downsize the federal government, Republican Sen. Rick Scott says he wants all federal legislation to “sunset” in five years, and “[i]f a law is worth keeping, Congress can pass it again.” Well, Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid were all created by legislation. And now Democrats are saying Republicans want to end those programs.
Examining Rick Scott’s Claim That Medicare, Social Security Will Soon Go ‘Bankrupt’
Rick Scott Proposed ‘All Americans’ Should Pay Income Tax, Then Denied That He Did
A multipart policy plan released by Sen. Rick Scott on Feb. 22 says “all Americans” should have to pay “income tax,” while saying that “over half of Americans” currently do not. But in an interview later that day, after criticism from congressional Democrats, the Florida senator falsely claimed that he had not suggested increasing federal income taxes for that many people.
Senate Majority PAC
A super PAC “solely dedicated to building a Democratic majority in the U.S. Senate.”