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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

Priorities USA Action

A liberal super PAC launched by former Obama White House staffers.

Trump’s Inaccurate Claims About His ‘Perfect’ Call

Trump’s Inaccurate Claims About His ‘Perfect’ Call

President Trump’s request that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky investigate Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden and his son, Hunter, has triggered an impeachment inquiry. Since then, the president has made a series of inaccurate claims about his phone call with Zelensky, which he calls “perfect.”

Deutch Misses Mark in Attack on Scott

Deutch Misses Mark in Attack on Scott

Rep. Ted Deutch accused Florida Gov. Rick Scott of “trying to manipulate the outcome of elections,” providing examples that went beyond the facts.

Trump Jr.’s False Noncitizen Voting Tweet

Trump Jr.’s False Noncitizen Voting Tweet

Amid a contentious Florida recount, Donald Trump Jr. tweeted a six-year-old, and outdated, story to suggest hundreds of thousands of noncitizens could have voted in the state. The story includes an update saying just 85 noncitizens were ultimately removed from the state’s voter rolls in 2012.

Bogus Voter Fraud Claims

Bogus Voter Fraud Claims

With votes continuing to be counted in very close elections in Florida, Georgia and Arizona, President Donald Trump and some other Republicans have been crying foul, making false and misleading claims of supposed election fraud perpetrated by Democrats in an attempt to “steal” the elections.

Video: Day 3 of the Convention

Video: Day 3 of the Convention

FactCheck.org’s Lori Robertson talks with USA Today’s Paul Singer about claims made during the third day of the Republican National Convention.

Florida Surrogates Go Nuclear

Florida Surrogates Go Nuclear

Two well-heeled surrogates of Gov. Rick Scott and former Gov. Charlie Crist continue to pollute the Florida airwaves with misleading claims. This time they distort the facts of a state settlement last year with Duke Energy.

Florida Fracking Fracas

Florida Fracking Fracas

A Florida ad attacking Republican Gov. Rick Scott has touched off claims of lying and illegality. We find both sides are bending the facts.

Florida’s Medicare Fraud Flashback

Florida’s Medicare Fraud Flashback

The Florida Democratic Party implies that Gov. Rick Scott “took the Fifth 75 times” in lawsuits concerning his former company committing Medicare fraud. He didn’t.