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What RFK Jr. Gets Wrong About Autism

What RFK Jr. Gets Wrong About Autism

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. makes a variety of incorrect or misleading claims about vaccines, COVID-19 and other health-related topics. But his views on vaccines rose to prominence when he began to advance the thoroughly debunked idea that they cause autism.

FactChecking Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

FactChecking Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr., a prominent anti-vaccine advocate, is running for president as a Democrat. Our SciCheck team has combed through his recent interviews to identify and correct some of his most common health claims in a three-part series. In this first installment, we address several of his talking points about vaccines.

Posts Make False Comparisons Between COVID-19 Immunity From Infections and Vaccines

Posts Make False Comparisons Between COVID-19 Immunity From Infections and Vaccines

Vaccination and infection both provide protective immunity to COVID-19, particularly against severe disease. But gaining immunity through infection is far riskier than vaccination. Posts citing a new Lancet study omit that important context and also misleadingly claim the study shows immunity after infection is superior to vaccination immunity.

Social Media Posts Twist Meaning of CDC, FDA Disclosure on Bivalent Booster

Social Media Posts Twist Meaning of CDC, FDA Disclosure on Bivalent Booster

Government health agencies disclosed a potential safety concern for strokes in those 65 and older with one of the COVID-19 vaccines, but the agencies haven’t found any causal relationship and the concern was flagged by just one of several monitoring systems. Anti-vaccine campaigners, however, have wrongly claimed the agencies have found a link between the boosters and strokes.

‘Died Suddenly’ Pushes Bogus Depopulation Theory

‘Died Suddenly’ Pushes Bogus Depopulation Theory

What appear to be ordinary postmortem blood clots are held up in a viral online video as supposed evidence that there’s a depopulation plot underway using COVID-19 vaccination to kill people. There’s no evidence for this theory. The hourlong video also repeats numerous falsehoods that have previously been debunked.

Post Omits Paxlovid’s Ability to Protect Against Severe COVID-19, Death

Post Omits Paxlovid’s Ability to Protect Against Severe COVID-19, Death

Paxlovid, Pfizer’s COVID-19 antiviral pill, has been shown to prevent severe COVID-19 and death. An online post alleging the drug is a “fraud” and “should be taken off the market” neglects to mention this important information, and falsely says ivermectin is superior.

Posts Misinterpret Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine Safety Monitoring Document

Posts Misinterpret Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine Safety Monitoring Document

A Pfizer document recently released by the Food and Drug Administration describes adverse events reported following vaccination and attests to the continued safety of the company’s COVID-19 vaccine. A popular video and other online posts, however, incorrectly imply that the vaccine caused the events.