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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

Club for Growth Action

The super PAC of the conservative Club for Growth, which advocates for limited government.

House Majority PAC

A super PAC focused on returning Democrats to the majority in the House.

American Bridge 21st Century

A liberal super PAC that conducts opposition research for Democratic candidates and organizations.

Majority PAC

A super PAC focused on keeping the U.S. Senate under Democratic control.

FreedomWorks for America

FreedomWorks for America is a super PAC formed by some of the conservative leaders in the tea party movement.

Club for Growth Action

Club for Growth Action, the super PAC of the conservative Club for Growth, largely targets Republicans in primaries and Democrats in the general election.

Freedom Path

A conservative group with ties to the National Republican Senatorial Committee and former Nevada Sen. John Ensign.

Campaign for Primary Accountability

The Campaign for Primary Accountability is a Texas-based Super PAC funded largely by conservatives that targets long-time House members of both parties.

Pro-Life Super PAC

Pro-Life Super PAC is a political action committee that supports candidates with “a strong pro-life record.”