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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

Red White and Blue Fund

A pro-Rick Santorum “super PAC” started by a political adviser to former Iowa Rep. Jim Nussle.

Santa Rita Super PAC

A “super PAC” backing Rep. Ron Paul for president. It was created by a Paul donor and fundraiser.

Winning Our Future

Winning Our Future is a “super PAC” supporting the candidacy of Republican presidential candidate and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich.

Republican Majority Campaign

Republican Majority Campaign is a conservative group headed by a California attorney who was featured in an infomercial that asked “Where was President Obama born?”

Americans United for Change

Americans United for Change is a liberal group whose message closely mirrors that of the Obama White House.

Americans for Prosperity

A conservative group founded by billionaire businessman and political activist David Koch.

Make Us Great Again

Make Us Great Again is a “super PAC” supporting Rick Perry’s presidential bid.