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States Determine School Immunization Requirements, Not CDC

States Determine School Immunization Requirements, Not CDC

Vaccines are added to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s immunization schedule after consultation with an outside advisory group and when the benefits outweigh the risks. Contrary to claims from Tucker Carlson and others, the COVID-19 vaccines will not become mandatory in schools just by being added to the CDC schedule. States and local districts make those determinations.

It’s Not News, Nor ‘Scandalous,’ That Pfizer Trial Didn’t Test Transmission

It’s Not News, Nor ‘Scandalous,’ That Pfizer Trial Didn’t Test Transmission

The COVID-19 vaccine clinical trials were designed to study the vaccine’s safety and efficacy in preventing symptomatic disease, not transmission. But online publications now misleadingly present the fact that the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine was not tested for transmission as a “shocking admission” and proof that the company and the government lied.

Florida’s COVID-19 Vaccination Analysis Is Flawed, Experts Say

Florida’s COVID-19 Vaccination Analysis Is Flawed, Experts Say

The state of Florida recently announced that it was no longer recommending that younger males receive mRNA COVID-19 vaccines, based on an unpublished analysis that purportedly found an increased risk of cardiac-related death following vaccination. But experts who specialize in the unique method used in the analysis say it was not properly done — and even if it had been, the findings would not mean that individuals should not get vaccinated.

COVID-19 Vaccine Opponents Misrepresent CDC Webcast on Causes of Blood Clots

COVID-19 Vaccine Opponents Misrepresent CDC Webcast on Causes of Blood Clots

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention hosted an online seminar about the treatment of blood clots, which is expected to grow as the U.S. population ages and the obesity rate increases. But some vaccine opponents misrepresented the webinar to falsely suggest that the projected rise in blood clots is related to the COVID-19 vaccines.

Posts Take Biden’s Vaccination and Hurricane Prep Comments Out of Context, Again

Posts Take Biden’s Vaccination and Hurricane Prep Comments Out of Context, Again

Last year, President Joe Biden made a special plea to residents in hurricane-prone states to get vaccinated against COVID-19 in advance of possible evacuations or shelter stays. Now, as Hurricane Ian approached Florida, social media posts recycled an old clip of his comments to misleadingly claim he thinks the vaccines will protect against the storm.

Video Makes Baseless Claim About Insurance Coverage of Vaccinated Frenchman

Video Makes Baseless Claim About Insurance Coverage of Vaccinated Frenchman

COVID-19 vaccines have been found to be safe and effective in trials and real-world conditions. Yet an online video baselessly claims a French life insurer refused to pay benefits for a man who died after receiving the vaccine because the insurer deemed it “a medical experiment.” It also falsely claims that the same has happened in the U.S. 

Q&A on Omicron-Updated COVID-19 Boosters

Q&A on Omicron-Updated COVID-19 Boosters

Retooled COVID-19 booster vaccines that target omicron subvariants of the coronavirus are now available in the U.S. Here, we answer questions about the new shots.

Is the Pandemic ‘Over’? Biden Says So, But Scientists Say That’s Up for Debate

Is the Pandemic ‘Over’? Biden Says So, But Scientists Say That’s Up for Debate

In a surprise moment in a “60 Minutes” interview, President Joe Biden said the COVID-19 pandemic “is over.” While he correctly acknowledged that the coronavirus was still a problem, epidemiologists say there’s no single agreed-upon definition for what constitutes the end of a pandemic — and some say we’re not there yet.

Viral Posts Spin Falsehood Out of Denmark’s COVID-19 Booster Drive

Viral Posts Spin Falsehood Out of Denmark’s COVID-19 Booster Drive

Denmark announced a plan for its fall COVID-19 vaccination drive, saying it will offer omicron-specific booster shots to high-risk individuals, including everyone 50 and over. But U.S.-based misinformation peddlers misleadingly suggest that means the shots are unsafe for those under 50. The Danish Health Authority said that is a misinterpretation.