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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

Misrepresentation of Germany’s Data on Unverified COVID-19 Vaccine Side Effects

Misrepresentation of Germany’s Data on Unverified COVID-19 Vaccine Side Effects

Viral claims have repeatedly misrepresented unverified data from a U.S. vaccine safety system that encourages reports of any potential side effects — whether they’re likely to be caused by the vaccine or not. Now we’re seeing the same phenomenon with a similar system in Germany. Some have wrongly claimed Germany found the COVID-19 vaccine caused “serious side effects” in a large number of people.

‘Unequivocal’ Evidence that Humans Cause Climate Change, Contrary to Posts of Old Video

‘Unequivocal’ Evidence that Humans Cause Climate Change, Contrary to Posts of Old Video

There is “unequivocal” evidence that humans are causing global warming, the U.N. climate change panel has said. But viral posts revive a 2014 video of Weather Channel co-founder John Coleman falsely claiming “climate change is not happening.” The channel, which supports the scientific consensus that climate change is real, had distanced itself from Coleman.

Posts Distort Chinese Research Creating Fragment of Monkeypox Viral Genome

Posts Distort Chinese Research Creating Fragment of Monkeypox Viral Genome

A Wuhan Institute of Virology study describes assembling part of a monkeypox viral genome for use in a diagnostic test. Although the researchers only made a fraction of the genome — and it matches a different version of the virus — social media posts are using the study to baselessly claim that the current monkeypox outbreak is a result of a lab leak.

Posts Misleadingly Omit Critical Data Supporting COVID-19 Vaccines for Youngest Kids

Posts Misleadingly Omit Critical Data Supporting COVID-19 Vaccines for Youngest Kids

In young children, the Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines are expected to primarily protect against severe disease. Both shots successfully met the set benchmarks for vaccine effectiveness, which involved comparing antibody responses to those of adults. Online posts critical of government recommendations for the pediatric vaccines, however, fail to mention these essential data.

Q&A on Financial Disclosures by Government Scientists

Q&A on Financial Disclosures by Government Scientists

In this story, we’ll explain what we know about the financial and conflict-of-interest disclosure requirements for Dr. Anthony Fauci, other National Institutes of Health higher-ups and members of two U.S. vaccine advisory committees.