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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

Red Cross Accepts Blood Donations From People Vaccinated Against COVID-19

Red Cross Accepts Blood Donations From People Vaccinated Against COVID-19

The American Red Cross and other blood collectors in the U.S. strongly encourage everyone who is feeling healthy to donate blood, including people who have received a COVID-19 vaccine. But a social media post falsely implies the organization does not use the blood from vaccinated people. 

COVID-19 Is Caused by a Virus, Not Snake Venom

COVID-19 Is Caused by a Virus, Not Snake Venom

The COVID-19 pandemic was caused by a novel coronavirus, first isolated in January 2020. But a viral video has been spreading a conspiracy theory that the pandemic has actually been a plot to poison people with snake venom.

COVID-19 Vaccines Reduce Hospitalization and Death Rates, Contrary to Social Media Claims

COVID-19 Vaccines Reduce Hospitalization and Death Rates, Contrary to Social Media Claims

Those who are not vaccinated against COVID-19 are more prone to serious illness and are dying at higher rates than those who are vaccinated. But partisan social media accounts, including a post by a member of former President Donald Trump’s campaign legal team, continue to misleadingly suggest the vaccines are unnecessary and discourage their use.

Q&A on Second COVID-19 Boosters for Older People

Q&A on Second COVID-19 Boosters for Older People

At the end of March, the Food and Drug Administration authorized a second COVID-19 booster dose for people 50 years of age and older. But the data supporting the extra shot is limited. Here, we break down the available evidence and share what scientists recommend.

Facebook Video Misrepresents CDC Report on COVID-19 Vaccine Boosters

Facebook Video Misrepresents CDC Report on COVID-19 Vaccine Boosters

A report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that side effects such as a sore arm or headache following a booster dose of the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines were less frequent than after the second dose. But a Facebook video from a chiropractor misrepresents the report’s findings, the systems that record adverse events and the availability of information on those events.

Posts Misinterpret Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine Safety Monitoring Document

Posts Misinterpret Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine Safety Monitoring Document

A Pfizer document recently released by the Food and Drug Administration describes adverse events reported following vaccination and attests to the continued safety of the company’s COVID-19 vaccine. A popular video and other online posts, however, incorrectly imply that the vaccine caused the events.