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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

No New Revelation on Hydroxychloroquine and COVID-19

No New Revelation on Hydroxychloroquine and COVID-19

Randomized controlled trials — the highest standard of evidence — have found that hydroxychloroquine isn’t beneficial in treating hospitalized COVID-19 patients. Yet social media posts are claiming the drug works, and conservative outlets have touted an unpublished, and much-criticized, observational study as evidence of the drug’s effectiveness.

Unsubstantiated Claims Follow Deaths of British and Indian Airline Pilots

Unsubstantiated Claims Follow Deaths of British and Indian Airline Pilots

Following the deaths of four British Airways pilots and five Air India pilots, social media posts claimed without proof that the pilots died as a result of receiving COVID-19 vaccines. Air India said its pilots died from COVID-19. British Airways said “there is no truth whatsoever in the claims on social media speculating that the four deaths are linked.”

Misinformation About WHO’s COVID-19 Vaccine Guidance for Children

Misinformation About WHO’s COVID-19 Vaccine Guidance for Children

A World Health Organization advisory group has concluded that the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine “is suitable for use by people aged 12 years and above,” and is specifically recommending it for children ages 12 to 15 who are at high risk of severe COVID-19. The WHO did not say “stop giving kids the vaxx immediately,” as some have claimed online.

The Facts – and Gaps – on the Origin of the Coronavirus

The Facts – and Gaps – on the Origin of the Coronavirus

Despite increased media attention to the possibility that the novel coronavirus may have escaped from a lab, no credible evidence has emerged to support it and most scientists think the virus likely has a natural origin.

Airlines Are Encouraging, Not Banning, Vaccinated Passengers

Airlines Are Encouraging, Not Banning, Vaccinated Passengers

Airlines are encouraging people who have received a COVID-19 vaccine to fly once again. Yet social media posts falsely claim that airline executives around the world are discussing banning vaccinated passengers due to a risk of blood clotting at high altitudes. Experts say there is no evidence of an added risk of blood clots for vaccinated air travelers.

Post Misrepresents Details of Postmortem Study of Vaccinated Patient

Post Misrepresents Details of Postmortem Study of Vaccinated Patient

A controversial radio show host and blogger misrepresented findings of a published case report to conclude that an 86-year-old man died as a result of being vaccinated against COVID-19. The case report’s lead author said the man died of bacterial pneumonia and “there was not any sign of vaccination side effect.”

Soccer Star’s Collapse Was Unrelated to COVID-19 Vaccine

Soccer Star’s Collapse Was Unrelated to COVID-19 Vaccine

Danish soccer star Christian Eriksen is recovering well after he suffered cardiac arrest and collapsed during a match on June 12. But after the incident, social media posts falsely claimed he had recently been vaccinated for COVID-19 and suggested that led to his collapse. Team officials said he has not been vaccinated. 

Research Rebuts Claims Linking COVID-19 Vaccines to Male Infertility

Research Rebuts Claims Linking COVID-19 Vaccines to Male Infertility

A new study found there was no negative effect on sperm levels in men after receiving the COVID-19 vaccines, undercutting suggestions that the shots affect male fertility. But social media posts have made the baseless claim that vaccinated men “are effectively sterile.”