For nearly two months, President Trump has touted an 85% decline in the nation’s COVID-19 case fatality rate since April — and has attributed the drop to improvements in treatment. But better treatment is only part of the story.
SciCheck’s SciCheck feature focuses exclusively on false and misleading scientific claims that are made by partisans to influence public policy. It was launched in January 2015 with a grant from the Stanton Foundation. The foundation was founded by the late Frank Stanton, president of CBS for 25 years, from 1946 to 1971.
Trump Again Overstates Speed of COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout
Trump Reprises Inaccurate COVID-19 Comparisons with Europe
Trump Bucks Climate Science in Wildfire Briefing
In a briefing on the barrage of wildfires burning in the West, President Donald Trump baselessly claimed “it’ll start getting cooler,” adding that he didn’t think “science knows” whether or not temperatures would increase in the future. Scientists are very confident that global average temperatures will continue to rise.
Trump Exaggerates Progress, Credit on Future COVID-19 Vaccine
Q&A on Coronavirus Vaccines
Trump, Hahn Mischaracterize Data on COVID-19 Convalescent Plasma
Trump Touts Misleading and Flawed Excess Mortality Statistic
Trump’s Missteps on COVID-19 Mortality
President Donald Trump exaggerated Americans’ comparative success battling the coronavirus, falsely saying in a press briefing that the U.S. per capita death rate is lower than “most” of Western Europe. He also claimed a 9% decrease in COVID-19 fatalities over the past week, but the data do not show such a decline.