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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

Ahead of Trump Rally, Republicans Spin COVID-19 Metrics

Ahead of Trump Rally, Republicans Spin COVID-19 Metrics

In the days leading up to President Donald Trump’s first campaign rally since the World Health Organization declared a pandemic, Trump and his supporters are making false and misleading claims about COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations and testing.

Unpacking WHO’s Asymptomatic COVID-19 Transmission Comments

Unpacking WHO’s Asymptomatic COVID-19 Transmission Comments

At a June 8 press conference, a World Health Organization scientist confusingly suggested that asymptomatic transmission of the coronavirus is “very rare” — a statement that many scientists found problematic, and which some politicians and those on social media seized upon as evidence that certain public health measures were not necessary.

Does Vitamin D Protect Against COVID-19?

Does Vitamin D Protect Against COVID-19?

Q: Does vitamin D help protect against COVID-19?

A: Some scientists have hypothesized vitamin D might be helpful, but there is no direct evidence that vitamin D can prevent COVID-19 or lessen disease severity. Nevertheless, it should be part of a healthy lifestyle.

Trump Baselessly Claims Coronavirus Will ‘Go Away’ Without Vaccine

Trump Baselessly Claims Coronavirus Will ‘Go Away’ Without Vaccine

At a White House meeting with fellow Republicans, President Donald Trump said, without evidence, that the coronavirus “is going to go away without a vaccine.” While it’s impossible to predict the future, experts say it’s unlikely that the virus will simply go away.

How Many COVID-19 Tests Are ‘Needed’ to Reopen?

How Many COVID-19 Tests Are ‘Needed’ to Reopen?

The Trump administration has repeatedly claimed that there are enough COVID-19 tests for states to begin reopening their economies. While that may be true for select locations, experts say more tests are needed, even if they don’t agree on a particular number.

Trump Falsely Claims COVID-19 Death Projection Assumes ‘No Mitigation’

Trump Falsely Claims COVID-19 Death Projection Assumes ‘No Mitigation’

Dismissing concerns that states are reopening too soon, President Donald Trump incorrectly said that a newly revised model projecting 134,000 COVID-19 deaths by August “assumes no mitigation.” In fact, the model assumes states will keep their existing social distancing measures in place, unless suspensions have already been announced.

Video: Understanding COVID-19 Antibody Tests

Video: Understanding COVID-19 Antibody Tests

In this video, we take a look at COVID-19 antibody tests, which can reveal whether someone was previously infected with the novel coronavirus — and explain why a positive or negative result may not always be so easy to interpret.

Q&A on COVID-19 Antibody Tests

Q&A on COVID-19 Antibody Tests

We’ll run through how the tests work and why it’s so hard to interpret what the results might mean.