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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

Did the EPA Just Approve Use of Asbestos in the U.S.?

Did the EPA Just Approve Use of Asbestos in the U.S.?

Q. Did the Environmental Protection Agency change its rules to allow companies to use asbestos in manufacturing?

A. No. Asbestos is already allowed in numerous products. A proposed EPA rule would prohibit the use of asbestos in certain products unless granted EPA approval.

Scientist Schools Congressmen on Climate

Scientist Schools Congressmen on Climate

During a recent hearing on the role of innovation in addressing climate change, several Republicans made faulty claims about the climate, past and present.

Debate Over EPA’s ‘Transparency’ Rule

Debate Over EPA’s ‘Transparency’ Rule

The EPA proposed a rule to only use scientific studies with “publicly available” data when it develops regulations. This has sparked a debate in Congress on whether the proposal would prevent the EPA from considering studies that analyze private health information.

Did the Polio Vaccine Cause Cancer?

Did the Polio Vaccine Cause Cancer?

Q: Did people develop cancer because of the polio vaccine?

A: There are no known cases, and it’s very unlikely. In the 1950s and 1960s, people did receive polio vaccines contaminated with a virus that causes cancer in rodents. But research suggests this virus doesn’t cause cancer in humans.

Pruitt’s Tall Tale on Toxic Cleanups

Pruitt’s Tall Tale on Toxic Cleanups

In recent interviews, Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt made two false claims about his agency’s record on removing toxic sites from the Superfund National Priorities List.

SciCheck Featured on Undark’s Podcast

SciCheck Featured on Undark’s Podcast

SciCheck writer Vanessa Schipani recently appeared on Undark magazine’s podcast to discuss her recent article on the effect of media violence on children.

Q&A: The Death Penalty for Drug Trafficking?

Q&A: The Death Penalty for Drug Trafficking?

The Trump administration’s initiative to combat the opioid epidemic aims to reduce drug demand, curtail illicit drug supply and expand addiction treatment. But the aspect that garnered headlines was President Trump’s repeated emphasis on seeking the death penalty for drug traffickers. We answer several key questions on the topic.

Smith’s Error-Filled Climate Op-Ed

Smith’s Error-Filled Climate Op-Ed

In an op-ed for Fox News, Rep. Lamar Smith, the chairman of the House science committee, made a host of false and misleading claims about climate change and related issues.

Wind Energy’s Carbon Footprint

Wind Energy’s Carbon Footprint

In observing that “every type of energy has consequences,” Department of Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke claimed the “carbon footprint on wind [energy] is significant.” In fact, wind power’s carbon footprint is among the smallest of any energy source.

The Facts on Media Violence

The Facts on Media Violence

In the wake of the Florida school shooting, politicians have raised concern over the influence of violent video games and films on young people. Scientists still debate the issue, but the majority of studies show that extensive exposure media violence is a risk factor for aggressive thoughts, feelings and behaviors.