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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

Smith Spins NASA Funding

Smith Spins NASA Funding

Rep. Lamar Smith said that, after national security agencies, “NASA received the most favorable budget request from the Trump administration.” True, but President Trump’s 2018 proposal would still cut NASA’s budget by about 3 percent compared with the agency’s enacted budget for 2017.

Is Bacon Better for You Than Tilapia?

Is Bacon Better for You Than Tilapia?

Q: Is bacon better for you than tilapia? Does tilapia cause cancer and/or Alzheimer’s disease?

A: No. These false claims, spread by multiple websites, are not supported by solid scientific evidence. 

Scientific Evidence and the EU Court

Scientific Evidence and the EU Court

A European Union court decision about vaccines raises interesting two scientific questions: How do scientists decide whether vaccines can cause conditions such as multiple sclerosis. And how certain can they be about their conclusions?

Trump Official Wrong About Warming, Again

Trump Official Wrong About Warming, Again

In an interview on CNBC, Energy Secretary Rick Perry said carbon dioxide is not “the primary control knob” for the Earth’s temperature and climate. But scientists say it’s “extremely likely” that human activity — primarily CO2 emissions — is the main cause of global warming.

Will Paris Have a ‘Tiny’ Effect on Warming?

Will Paris Have a ‘Tiny’ Effect on Warming?

President Donald Trump and his top environmental official said the Paris Agreement would reduce the global average temperature by only 0.2 degrees Celsius. Former Vice President Al Gore said that’s “not true.” Who’s right?

Gore and Pruitt Debate Paris Targets

Gore and Pruitt Debate Paris Targets

Former Vice President Al Gore and Environmental Protection Agency head Scott Pruitt made competing claims about whether the U.S. could have changed its emissions targets under the Paris Agreement, instead of pulling out of the deal. Legal experts side with Gore, who claimed the targets could have been changed.

FactChecking Trump’s Climate Speech

FactChecking Trump’s Climate Speech

In announcing that the U.S. would withdraw from the Paris Agreement, a global accord aimed at addressing climate change, President Donald Trump made more than a few false and misleading claims.

The Facts on E-Cigarettes

The Facts on E-Cigarettes

Q: Have scientists confirmed that e-cigarettes cause an incurable respiratory disease called “popcorn lung”?
A: No. The vapor of some e-cigarettes contains a chemical associated with popcorn lung, and a case report suggests a possible link. But there’s not enough evidence to conclude the vapors cause the disease.  

Can Opioid Addiction Be Cured?

Can Opioid Addiction Be Cured?

Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price made two claims about opioid addiction that are contradicted by the National Institute on Drug Abuse, which is part of the department Price heads.

Obama on Childhood Obesity Rates

Obama on Childhood Obesity Rates

Former President Barack Obama falsely claimed that Let’s Move, an initiative of former First Lady Michelle Obama, “helped bring down America’s obesity rates for our youngest kids for the first time in 30 years.”