Hillary Clinton overstates the impact of a 2011 nuclear agreement with Russia in a TV ad that says she was responsible for “securing a massive reduction in nuclear weapons.”
The anti-tax group Club for Growth Action is attacking an Indiana Republican candidate for the House, Kip Tom, as a “liberal insider.” We find the evidence doesn’t support that claim.
A TV ad that falsely claimed that Democratic donor George Soros gave “hundreds of thousands of dollars” to Republican Ohio Gov. John Kasich has been revised. But the ad now uses guilt by association to link Kasich to Soros.
An image that appears in an anti-Donald Trump TV ad inaccurately shows that Sen. Ted Cruz and Ohio Gov. John Kasich combined have more delegates than Trump. In fact, Trump has more delegates than both men combined, 739 to 608.
A new TV ad boasts that Ohio Gov. John Kasich has created 400,000 jobs in his state and will do the same for Michigan as president. But Michigan actually has gained more jobs than Ohio during Kasich’s time in office, both in raw numbers and in the rate of job growth.
A rereleased TV ad says Donald Trump “supports higher taxes,” even though Trump has issued a tax plan, since the ad originally aired, that would significantly cut taxes for individuals and businesses.