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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

Bloomberg, Trump Spar on Preexisting Conditions

Bloomberg, Trump Spar on Preexisting Conditions

Democratic presidential candidate Mike Bloomberg charged in a TV ad that President Trump had “broken” a “promise” to protect those with preexisting conditions. Trump fired back that he “saved Pre-Existing Conditions.” In fact, Trump backed plans that would have weakened current protections.

Biden’s Position on Osama bin Laden Raid

Biden’s Position on Osama bin Laden Raid

Former Vice President Joe Biden denied that he told then-President Barack Obama “not to go after [Osama] bin Laden” in what turned out to be a successful mission to kill the 9/11 mastermind. But Biden wasn’t giving the whole story, and has over time given contradictory accounts.

Social Media Video Strips Context From Biden Remark

Social Media Video Strips Context From Biden Remark

A viral video clip takes former Vice President Joe Biden’s recent remarks about sexual and domestic violence out of context, leaving a false impression that he made a racist comment about the role of African and Asian nations in U.S. culture.

Facebook Posts Mislead on Bloomberg Donation

Facebook Posts Mislead on Bloomberg Donation

Misleading Facebook posts accuse former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg of “bribing” House Democrats by offering a donation “if they vote to impeach” President Donald Trump. In fact, Bloomberg is a major Democratic donor who has given to this committee before.

Biden Exaggerates Science on Burn Pits and Brain Cancer

Biden Exaggerates Science on Burn Pits and Brain Cancer

Democratic presidential candidate and former Vice President Joe Biden claimed without evidence that “more people are coming home from Iraq with brain cancer” than “any other war,” and blamed burn pits for the purported increase. But existing statistics do not bear that out, and the evidence on the cancer risk of burn pits is inconclusive.

Trump Renews Unfounded Claim on Debate Mic

Trump Renews Unfounded Claim on Debate Mic

President Donald Trump wrongly claimed the Commission on Presidential Debates was “forced to publicly apologize for modulating” his microphone in the first 2016 general election debate.

Trump Mocks Global Warming, Lowballs Sea Level Rise

Trump Mocks Global Warming, Lowballs Sea Level Rise

President Donald Trump mocked concerns about global warming, saying that oceans would rise just “[o]ne-eighth of an inch within the next 250 years.” Although he may have been joking, his figure is many times lower than scientific estimates.

Trump Misleads Rallygoers on IG Report, Impeachment

Trump Misleads Rallygoers on IG Report, Impeachment

During his first campaign rally after Democrats announced two articles of impeachment and the Justice Department inspector general released a report on the FBI’s Russia investigation, President Donald Trump distorted the facts on both topics.