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Image of Newspaper Doctored to Show ‘President Gore’ Headline

Image of Newspaper Doctored to Show ‘President Gore’ Headline

President Donald Trump’s campaign pushed an altered image of a Washington Times front page to cast doubt on the 2020 election calls made by news outlets. The newspaper never ran the purported front page, declaring Al Gore the winner of the 2000 election.

Claim of Michigan Postal Fraud Is Moot

Claim of Michigan Postal Fraud Is Moot

A video from a right-wing activist suggests that U.S. Postal Service employees backdated ballots in Michigan. The claim is unproven, but, even if true, no ballots in the state are accepted after Nov. 3, regardless of the postmark.

Viral Video Doesn’t Show Fraud by Election Workers in PA

Viral Video Doesn’t Show Fraud by Election Workers in PA

A video from a livestream of the vote-counting process in Delaware County, Pennsylvania, shows election workers transcribing votes from damaged ballots so they could be scanned and recorded, according to the county. Social media users are sharing the video with the false suggestion it shows workers committing voter fraud.

Trump’s Wild, Baseless Claims of Illegal Voting

Trump’s Wild, Baseless Claims of Illegal Voting

In remarks resembling an attack on democratic elections, rather than a presidential speech, President Donald Trump doubled down on his campaign pledge: “The only way we can lose, in my opinion, is massive fraud.”

Biden Did, Indeed, Get More Votes Than Obama

Biden Did, Indeed, Get More Votes Than Obama

The votes are still being counted and the results are unofficial, but former Vice President Joe Biden already has surpassed former President Barack Obama’s record of 69.4 million votes in 2008. But conservative personalities on social media falsely dismiss that achievement as “a damn lie.”  

Viral Image Shows Outdated Claims About Detroit Voter Rolls

Viral Image Shows Outdated Claims About Detroit Voter Rolls

Facebook users are sharing a meme that alleges a host of inaccuracies in Detroit’s voter rolls in the context of the 2020 election. But the claims stem from a 2019 lawsuit that was withdrawn after the group that filed it said the city had taken action on the issues.

Trump Tweets Flagged by Twitter for Misinformation

Trump Tweets Flagged by Twitter for Misinformation

In the two days after Election Day, Twitter has added warning labels to nine of President Trump’s election-related tweets, cautioning the messages “might be misleading.” They are misleading, and in some cases, false.

Pennsylvania TV Newscast Graphic Wasn’t Evidence of Voter Fraud

Pennsylvania TV Newscast Graphic Wasn’t Evidence of Voter Fraud

An inaccurate graphic on a local TV station briefly showed one Pennsylvania county with more mail-in votes than the number of ballots it had received. The graphic was quickly corrected, but Facebook users are now sharing screenshots of it to misleadingly suggest it is evidence of voter fraud.

Bogus QAnon Claim that Mail-In Ballots Are Illegitimate

Bogus QAnon Claim that Mail-In Ballots Are Illegitimate

A bogus QAnon-related claim that many of the mail-in ballots for the Nov. 3 election were illegitimate has spread widely on social media. But the claim is based on the faulty assumption that ballots are produced by the federal government.