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Opening Ads in the Perdue-Ossoff Runoff

Opening Ads in the Perdue-Ossoff Runoff

In the first TV ads of the runoff campaign that could help decide the balance of the Senate, Republican Sen. David Perdue warned his opponent would “radically change America,” while Democratic challenger Jon Ossoff accused his opponent of downplaying the coronavirus.

Trump’s Misleading Attacks on Biden Over Fracking

Trump’s Misleading Attacks on Biden Over Fracking

President Trump and his allies continue to ignore Joe Biden’s written plan to only prohibit permits for new oil and gas drilling on federal land and waters. That plan would allow for extraction methods to continue under existing permits and in nonfederal areas.

Deceptive Trump Ad Attacks Biden on Guns

Deceptive Trump Ad Attacks Biden on Guns

A Trump campaign ad uses an out-of-context video clip to claim Joe Biden confirmed he will come for the guns of Americans if he’s elected president. In the unedited video, Biden was talking about his opposition to so-called “assault weapons” — not all firearms.

Trump Ad Lifts Fauci Praise Out of Context

Trump Ad Lifts Fauci Praise Out of Context

A Trump campaign ad uses a clip of Dr. Anthony Fauci praising federal public health officials — saying that he “can’t imagine that … anybody could be doing more” — and makes it seem like Fauci was personally complimenting the president. Fauci says the ad lifted his words “out of context.”

DSCC Falsely Attacks Daines on Social Security

DSCC Falsely Attacks Daines on Social Security

In a TV ad, a Democratic committee falsely claims Sen. Steve Daines of Montana is “pushing a plan” that could “end Social Security benefits by 2023.” He’s not.

Biden’s False Attacks on Trump’s Social Security ‘Plan’

Biden’s False Attacks on Trump’s Social Security ‘Plan’

A Biden campaign TV ad falsely claims that a government analysis of President Donald Trump’s “planned cuts to Social Security” shows that “if Trump gets his way, Social Security benefits will run out in just three years from now.”