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Trump’s Fanciful Iran Negotiation

Trump’s Fanciful Iran Negotiation

In spinning a fanciful tale of how he would have negotiated a tougher nuclear agreement with Iran, Donald Trump betrayed a fundamental misunderstanding of who controlled billions of dollars in Iranian assets that were unfrozen as part of the deal.

Revisiting Clinton and Classified Information

Revisiting Clinton and Classified Information

On July 5, FBI Director James Comey said a “very small number” of emails sent and received by Hillary Clinton over her private server “bore markings indicating the presence of classified information.” We are now learning more about those emails.

Clinton’s Handling of Classified Information

Clinton’s Handling of Classified Information

An FBI investigation into former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s mishandling of classified information resulted in no criminal charges, but it revealed that Clinton and her campaign made past statements that have turned out to be false or misleading.

Groundhog Friday

Groundhog Friday

Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders and Barack Obama repeat claims that we’ve debunked before, on trade, taxes, wages, energy and the Iraq War.

Video: Clinton and Benghazi

Video: Clinton and Benghazi

In this week’s fact-checking video, CNN’s Jake Tapper takes a look at key public and private statements made by then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on the day of the Sept. 11, 2012, attacks in Benghazi and the days immediately following.

The Benghazi Timeline, Clinton Edition

The Benghazi Timeline, Clinton Edition

Now that the last of the Benghazi reports have been issued, we look at some key public and private statements made by Hillary Clinton and others in the State Department following the 2012 attacks, which resulted in the loss of four Americans.

SciCheck Speaks with WHYY

SciCheck Speaks with WHYY

FactCheck.org’s SciCheck writer, Vanessa Schipani, spoke with WHYY radio host Dave Heller about topics she has covered in recent articles.

Trump on Clinton’s Tax Plans

Trump on Clinton’s Tax Plans

Donald Trump repeatedly claims that Hillary Clinton is going to “raise your taxes very substantially.” She’s not, unless you are among the top 10 percent of taxpayers.

Gary Johnson’s False Marijuana Claim

Gary Johnson’s False Marijuana Claim

Libertarian presidential nominee Gary Johnson claimed that “no politicians outside of Bernie Sanders and myself support legalizing marijuana” at the “congressional, gubernatorial, senatorial level.” He’s wrong.