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Cruz Distorts Rubio’s Stance on Gay Marriage

Cruz Distorts Rubio’s Stance on Gay Marriage

Sen. Ted Cruz goes too far when he claims Sen. Marco Rubio and Donald Trump are “repeating Barack Obama’s talking points” on the Supreme Court’s gay marriage ruling.

FactChecking the Ninth GOP Debate

FactChecking the Ninth GOP Debate

Six remaining Republican candidates misrepresent the facts on the Supreme Court, immigration, abortion and other issues.

Ad Attacks Cruz as ‘Weak’ on Defense

Ad Attacks Cruz as ‘Weak’ on Defense

An ad from a conservative advocacy group attacks Sen. Ted Cruz as “weak” on defense, but makes several misleading claims to back up that assessment.

Is Kasich ‘Worst’ on Spending?

Is Kasich ‘Worst’ on Spending?

Pro-Jeb Bush ads rely on skewed data to falsely label Ohio Gov. John Kasich as having the “worst rating on spending of any governor in the country, Republican or Democrat.”

Clinton’s Exaggerated Wall Street Claim

Clinton’s Exaggerated Wall Street Claim

Hillary Clinton exaggerated when she claimed Bernie Sanders “took about $200,000 from Wall Street firms” through the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee. The DSCC did provide about $200,000 to support Sanders’ 2006 Senate race, but a small percentage of its contributions came from “Wall Street.”

Trump Wildly Inflates Unemployment

Trump Wildly Inflates Unemployment

Donald Trump said he “heard” the unemployment rate was really 42 percent. It’s not. That figure would include retirees, teenagers, stay-at-home parents and anyone else who doesn’t need or want to work.

Our Children’s Future

A super PAC supporting Republican presidential candidate and retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson.

The 2016 Committee

A super PAC supporting Republican presidential candidate and retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson.