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Three Democratic Debate Lowlights

Three Democratic Debate Lowlights

In this week’s collaboration with FactCheck.org, Jake Tapper of CNN’s “State of the Union” tackles three claims from the first Democratic debate.

Sanders Misleads on Social Security

Sanders Misleads on Social Security

Sen. Bernie Sanders repeats a Democratic talking point in saying that Social Security hasn’t contributed “one penny” — or “one nickel” — to the deficit. In fact, it contributed $73 billion to the deficit in 2014.

‘Nobody Did Anything Wrong’ on Benghazi?

‘Nobody Did Anything Wrong’ on Benghazi?

The subject of this week’s fact-checking collaboration with CNN’s Jake Tapper is Hillary Clinton’s comment that all of the government investigations into the terrorist attacks on U.S. diplomatic facilities in Benghazi concluded that “nobody did anything wrong.”

Cruz Misquotes Clapper on Refugees

Cruz Misquotes Clapper on Refugees

Ted Cruz misrepresented the words of the U.S. national intelligence director, claiming that James Clapper “said among those [Syrian] refugees are no doubt a significant number of ISIS terrorists.” Clapper didn’t say that.

Clinton and the Benghazi Reports

Clinton and the Benghazi Reports

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said all of the government investigations into the terrorist attacks on U.S. diplomatic facilities in Benghazi concluded that “nobody did anything wrong.” That’s not exactly accurate.

Fiorina and Planned Parenthood

Fiorina and Planned Parenthood

Jake Tapper this week discusses Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina’s insistence that she has “seen the footage” of an abortion she vividly described during the second GOP debate.

Trump Attacks Bush on Sanctuary Cities

Trump Attacks Bush on Sanctuary Cities

Donald Trump says that “the state of Florida had sanctuary cities while Jeb Bush was governor,” and “nobody said anything.” But we could find no evidence that any Florida city or county fit the bill of a sanctuary city at that time, at least not officially.

Trump Gets Refugee Numbers Wrong

Trump Gets Refugee Numbers Wrong

Donald Trump keeps saying he “heard” the Obama administration plans to accept 200,000 Syrian refugees. He misheard, because that’s inaccurate.

Gun Laws, Deaths and Crimes

Gun Laws, Deaths and Crimes

President Barack Obama says “states with the most gun laws tend to have the fewest gun deaths.” Carly Fiorina says those states have “the highest gun crime rates.” But both imply a causation that’s impossible to prove.