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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

Carson on Border Apprehensions

Carson on Border Apprehensions

Ben Carson said that “a lot” of the people captured crossing the U.S. border and then released are from Iraq, Somalia and Russia. He’s wrong. Federal statistics show that number is less than 1 percent.

Jeb Bush on Poverty, Economic Growth

Jeb Bush on Poverty, Economic Growth

Republican Jeb Bush on “Fox News Sunday” made economic claims about poverty and growth from tax cuts that don’t measure up to the facts.

Clinton Off on Late-Term Abortions

Clinton Off on Late-Term Abortions

Hillary Clinton said that late-term abortions “are because of medical necessity.” There is little research on the subject, but existing data do not support her claim.

Club for Growth vs. Trump

Club for Growth vs. Trump

Donald Trump threatens to sue the conservative Club for Growth if it doesn’t pull its TV ad claiming he “supports higher taxes.” The group says it is merely exposing Trump’s “very liberal” record. Who is right?

Carson Rewrites Laws of Thermodynamics

Carson Rewrites Laws of Thermodynamics

Ben Carson claimed that prevailing theories of how the universe began and how planets and stars formed violate the second law of thermodynamics. His comments represent a misunderstanding of scientific concepts.

Paul Distorts Islamic Views of Bombings

Paul Distorts Islamic Views of Bombings

Sen. Rand Paul said “20 percent of the Islamic public in England” thought the 2005 subway bombings in London “were okay.” That’s inaccurate. Twenty percent expressed sympathy for the “feelings and motives” of the bombers, but only 1 percent thought the bombing was “right.”

Clinton’s Email Narrative, Interrupted

Clinton’s Email Narrative, Interrupted

Hillary Clinton’s campaign and the State Department have provided incomplete and misleading accounts of when and why the department requested copies of work-related emails that she maintained on a private server.

Fiorina’s Unsupported Claim about VA Deaths

Fiorina’s Unsupported Claim about VA Deaths

Carly Fiorina has said 307,000 veterans have died while waiting for care from the Veterans Health Administration. In one instance, she said all of those veterans “died in the last year,” citing a recent inspector general’s report. But that’s not what the report says.

Fiorina Misleads on HP and Iran

Fiorina Misleads on HP and Iran

Carly Fiorina made several false, misleading and unsubstantiated claims in responding to questions about Hewlett-Packard’s involvement with a foreign subsidiary that sold products to Iran.