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Anti-Trump Protests in London Not ‘Fake News’

Anti-Trump Protests in London Not ‘Fake News’

President Donald Trump claimed not to have seen the large groups of anti-Trump protesters during his trip to the United Kingdom this week, and then falsely labeled media reports of those protests “fake news.”

Gillibrand Misleads on Trump’s Bump Stock Ban

Gillibrand Misleads on Trump’s Bump Stock Ban

Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand claimed President Donald Trump failed to keep his promise after a mass shooting in Las Vegas to ban bump stocks. In fact, Trump has enacted a bump stock ban, which went into effect in March.

Video: Comparing Barr, Mueller Remarks

Video: Comparing Barr, Mueller Remarks

This fact-checking video by CNN’s Jake Tapper compares what special counsel Robert Mueller and Attorney General William Barr have said about Mueller’s decision not to make a determination on whether President Donald Trump committed obstruction of justice.

FactChecking Trump’s Response to Mueller

FactChecking Trump’s Response to Mueller

In an impromptu press conference and on Twitter, President Donald Trump responded to special counsel Robert Mueller’s remarks about the Russia investigation with several false and questionable claims.

What Mueller, Barr Say About Obstruction of Justice

What Mueller, Barr Say About Obstruction of Justice

Special counsel Robert Mueller devoted much of his 10-minute remarks on May 29 to explaining why the special counsel’s office did not reach a determination about whether President Donald Trump committed obstruction of justice. Democrats have criticized Attorney General William P. Barr for mischaracterizing the findings on that point in Mueller’s report.

Biden Stretches Industry Support for Fuel Standards

Biden Stretches Industry Support for Fuel Standards

Joe Biden distorted the facts when he asserted that the auto industry thought the Obama administration’s fuel standards were “a good idea” and that automakers “didn’t even agree” with President Donald Trump’s proposal to roll them back.

Video: Trump’s Rose Garden Speech

Video: Trump’s Rose Garden Speech

In this week’s fact-checking video, CNN’s Jake Tapper details several claims President Donald Trump made in a White House Rose Garden speech. The president made misleading and false claims about the special counsel investigation and a House special election.

O’Rourke Twists Facts at Town Hall

O’Rourke Twists Facts at Town Hall

Democratic presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke twisted the facts on several topics, including immigration and gun control, during a CNN town hall.

The Trumps vs. de Blasio on NYC Crime

The Trumps vs. de Blasio on NYC Crime

President Donald Trump and his son Eric both took shots this week at New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, saying crime has risen in the city under his leadership. That’s wrong, according to crime data kept by the New York Police Department.