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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

What the Mueller Report Says About Obstruction

What the Mueller Report Says About Obstruction

In the hours after the public release of the redacted report from special counsel Robert S. Mueller, President Donald Trump took to Twitter with a message that reads, in part, “NO OBSTRUCTION!” That’s not at all what the Mueller report says, though.

What the Mueller Report Says About Russian Contacts

What the Mueller Report Says About Russian Contacts

The special counsel investigation “established multiple links between Trump Campaign officials and individuals tied to the Russian government.” But it “did not establish that the Campaign coordinated or conspired with the Russian government in its election-interference activities.”

Jay Inslee’s Green Jobs Claim

Jay Inslee’s Green Jobs Claim

In an op-ed and at a town hall, Washington Gov. Jay Inslee has claimed that the top two fastest-growing jobs in the United States are in clean energy: solar photovoltaic installers and wind turbine technicians. That’s not the case — at least not yet.

Trump Wrong About Tax Law

Trump Wrong About Tax Law

Asked whether he believes federal law requires him to give Congress his tax returns, President Donald Trump responded, “There’s no law whatsoever.” He’s wrong about that.

Conway Overstates Economic Growth

Conway Overstates Economic Growth

The U.S. does not currently have economic “growth over 4 percent,” as White House counselor Kellyanne Conway claimed recently.

More Family Separation Spin

More Family Separation Spin

Last year, the Trump administration announced a “zero tolerance” border policy that resulted in children being separated from their parents who were detained for entering the U.S. illegally. Yet President Donald Trump recently claimed that “President Obama separated the children. …  I’m the one that stopped it.”

Pompeo Wrong on Assad Control in Syria

Pompeo Wrong on Assad Control in Syria

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo wrongly stated that Syrian President “Bashar al-Assad controls a small fraction of Syria.” Middle East experts tell us that Assad controls a majority of Syria’s land and population.

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