President Donald Trump’s chief budget officer claimed — without any evidence — that “the Obama administration was manipulating the numbers” to make the nation’s unemployment rate “look smaller.”
President Donald Trump’s new executive order on foreign nationals entering the U.S. says “more than 300″ refugees in the United States “are currently the subjects of counterterrorism investigations.” But it is a statistic without any context.
Rep. Maxine Waters suggested without evidence that unsubstantiated allegations of “sex actions” made in a dossier against President Donald Trump are “absolutely true.”
The head of the EPA told CNBC that he “would not agree” that “human activity,” or carbon dioxide emissions, is the “primary contributor” to global warming. But scientists say it’s “extremely likely” that human activity is the main cause of warming since the mid-20th century.
White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer incorrectly claimed that in contrast to the Guantanamo Bay detainees transferred or released by the Obama administration, “under the Bush administration, most of those were court ordered.”
House and Senate Republicans have released legislation to replace the Affordable Care Act. How do the GOP plans differ from the ACA? We look at the major provisions.
President Donald Trump wrongly tweeted that “122 vicious prisoners, released by the Obama Administration from Gitmo, have returned to the battlefield.” Actually, it’s only nine of the 122 former detainees. The rest were released by President Bush.
With no evidence, President Donald Trump called it a “fact” that “President Obama was tapping my phones in October, just prior to Election!” He compared the alleged surveillance to the criminal acts of “Nixon/Watergate.”
A number of President Trump’s cabinet members have said that scientists cannot precisely measure climate change nor the impact of human activity on climate change. That’s not accurate.
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi says Attorney General Jeff Sessions “lied under oath” about his contacts with Russians during the presidential campaign. Sessions says that, in context, his comments were “honest and correct as I understood it at the time.”