Hillary Clinton wrongly claimed that FBI Director James Comey found her public statements about not sending or receiving classified email on her private server to be “truthful.”
A GMO labeling bill signed into law by the president has raised scientific and regulatory questions: Do foods processed from genetically modified organisms, like refined sugar and soybean oil, contain genetic material? If not, would they be labeled as GMOs?
The last of our daily fact-checking videos from the political conventions focuses on Hillary Clinton’s speech accepting the Democratic presidential nomination.
Donald Trump said that “enhanced interrogation … works.” But scientists have shown that the stress and pain induced by techniques like waterboarding can impair memory, and, therefore, inhibit a person from recalling information.
FactCheck.org Deputy Managing Editor Robert Farley discusses our fact-checking of the third day of the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia with USA Today.
Donald Trump made several false and misleading statements in an hour-long press conference — on Bernie Sanders, Vladimir Putin, Hillary Clinton’s emails and more.
Donald Trump falsely claims that Tim Kaine signed a letter recently asking to bring in even more Syrian refugees to the U.S. than Hillary Clinton has proposed.
Presumptive Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton said that the Republican vice presidential nominee, Gov. Mike Pence, “slashed education funding in Indiana.” But Pence claimed he made “record investments in education.” Clinton is wrong, and Pence is misleading.
Donald Trump falsely claimed that former Virginia Gov. Tim Kaine “took far more money” in gifts than another Virginia governor who was convicted on bribery charges.
Donald Trump doubled down on his baseless insinuation that a photograph published by the National Enquirer shows Ted Cruz’s father with “crazy Lee Harvey Oswald.”