Sen. Marco Rubio claimed during a Sunday talk show interview that the immigration bill he is pushing is not a change of position for him since his 2010 campaign. But it is.
FactCheck Posts
Biden Revises NRA History on Background Checks
Vice President Joe Biden exaggerates when he waxes nostalgic about the “good old days” — a time when “everybody, including the NRA, thought background checks made sense.” Biden’s office says he was referring to the NRA’s support for background checks in the early 1990s and its stated support for expanding background checks to include gun shows in 1999.
Cornyn’s ‘False’ Rhetoric
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Spinning Obama’s Budget
Gun Rights Group’s Aim Is Way Off
Health Insurance Premium Spin
A new analysis on the Affordable Care Act prompts Republicans and the White House to trade misleading claims about the law’s impact on insurance premiums. Predictably, one side says they’ll go up; the other says they’ll go down. But both are stretching the facts, just as they’ve been doing since 2010, before the law was even enacted.
NRCC’s Sneak Preview of 2014
Bloomberg’s Obesity Claim
New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg told David Letterman that “for the first time in the history of the world, more people will die from overeating than under-eating this year.”
Rand Paul Exaggerates His Filibuster ‘Victory’
Sen. Rand Paul says it “took 13 hours of filibuster” to finally force the Obama administration “to say, no, we won’t kill noncombatants in America.” In fact, Attorney General Eric Holder said “no” at a Senate hearing shortly before Paul began his filibuster.
“After much gymnastics I am very glad to hear that it is the opinion of the Department of Justice that it would be unconstitutional to kill a U.S. citizen on U.S. soil if that individual did not pose an imminent threat,”