He did slash funding for levee projects. But the Army Corps of Engineers says Katrina was just too strong.
FactCheck Posts
A Half-true Attack on McCain
The anti-tax Club for Growth runs an ad in New Hampshire claiming McCain would “keep the death tax.” Actually, McCain favors a big reduction.
NARAL Round 2: No Distortion Here
The abortion-rights group’s latest ad takes issue with Judge Roberts on whether the Constitution contains a right to privacy.
NARAL Falsely Accuses Supreme Court Nominee Roberts
Attack ad says he supported an abortion-clinic bomber and excused violence. In fact, Roberts called clinic bombers “criminals” who should be prosecuted fully.
Here We Go Again: Distorted TV Ads For Campaign 2006
The Republican party attacks Sen. Byrd and he responds. Both use misleading material.
The Wilson-Plame-Novak-Rove Blame Game
Both sides twist and hype the case of a CIA agent’s leaked identity. We document what’s known so far.
Abortion Distortions
Senators from both sides make false claims about Roe v. Wade.
A $100 Million Court Fight?
Groups launch new ads only hours after Supreme Court vacancy announced. Each side portrays the other as extreme, even before a nominee is named.
Bush’s Iraq Speech: Long On Assertion, Short On Facts
Bush says “progress is uneven” in Iraq, but accentuates positive evidence and mostly ignores the negative.
A Premature Attack
Pro-Bush group’s ad faults Democrats for criticisms they haven’t yet made, about a Supreme Court nominee who hasn’t been named, to a vacancy that doesn’t yet exist.