Two American carmakers have donated 100 pickup trucks and SUVs to assist with humanitarian aid in Ukraine. But an Instagram post makes the baseless claim that the vehicles were provided at U.S. taxpayers’ expense.
FactCheck Posts
Q&A on Omicron-Updated COVID-19 Boosters
Biden’s Misleading Claims About the Economic Recovery and Unemployment
When President Biden signed the American Rescue Plan into law in March 2021, U.S. gross domestic product had increased for three quarters straight, and the unemployment rate had decreased nearly nine percentage points from its pandemic peak. But Biden wrongly credited the Democratic COVID-19 relief bill with rescuing a U.S. economy “in decline.”
GOP Ads Use Outdated Federal Report to Attack Democrats on ‘Higher Taxes’
Johnson’s False Claim about Barnes’ Tax Plan
Like many Democrats, Wisconsin Lt. Gov. Mandela Barnes says he wants to cut “middle-class” taxes and make sure the wealthy “pay their fair share.” But an ad from his opponent, Sen. Ron Johnson, in the race for U.S. Senate falsely tells the state’s voters that Barnes wants to “double your income taxes.”
NRSC’s Misleading Attack on Warnock
Is the Pandemic ‘Over’? Biden Says So, But Scientists Say That’s Up for Debate
In a surprise moment in a “60 Minutes” interview, President Joe Biden said the COVID-19 pandemic “is over.” While he correctly acknowledged that the coronavirus was still a problem, epidemiologists say there’s no single agreed-upon definition for what constitutes the end of a pandemic — and some say we’re not there yet.
Republican Talking Point Omits Key Details About Stimulus Payments to Inmates
GOP Ad Mischaracterizes Michigan Candidate’s Response to 2020 Protests
A day after a protest in Grand Rapids inspired by the murder of George Floyd turned violent, Democratic House candidate Hillary Scholten of Michigan pleaded for “peaceful” protests and urged demonstrators “to not resort to violence and destruction.” An ad from a Republican PAC falsely claims Scholten “dismissed the destruction.”
Viral Posts Spin Falsehood Out of Denmark’s COVID-19 Booster Drive
Denmark announced a plan for its fall COVID-19 vaccination drive, saying it will offer omicron-specific booster shots to high-risk individuals, including everyone 50 and over. But U.S.-based misinformation peddlers misleadingly suggest that means the shots are unsafe for those under 50. The Danish Health Authority said that is a misinterpretation.